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A versatile mixture to cut or graze. This ley will withstand heavy grazing by all classes of stock, particularly beef cattle and sheep. For ensiling it will produce good yields and quality.


24% Calvano Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass

24% Nolwen Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass (T)

22% Toddington Late Perennial Ryegrass 22%

22% Nashota Late Perennial Ryegrass (T)

4% Comer Timothy

4% Dual Purpose Clover Blen


Seed Rate 13 - 15kg per acre (32-37kg/ha)


Pack Size 20kg


Cutting and Grazing (5 Years Plus)



· Good early bite for grazing animals

· Timothy tolerates cold wet soils

· Capable of producing a quality cut of silage

· 46% Inclusion of Fibre Energy varieties means top quality digestibility and production from forage

· 44% late perennial ensures a leafy, palatable sward



VersaMax All Stock (5 years plus)

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