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Spitfire is a modern multi-purpose rape which is a good companion to use with other fast establishing brassicas. It is a medium-tall variety with high dry matter, excellent aphid tolerance, good stock palatability and rapid establishment to maturity. It has high growth potential but careful management is required to avoid damaging stems for regrowth. spitfire is a multiuse rape suitable for planting in spring for excellent summer and autumn feed or in early autumn for quality winter feed. The main strengths of spitfire are excellent yield, insect tolerance, and a low dry mattery (DM%) stem. The very low DM% content of the stem produces a high-quality forage, with good utilisation at grazing without limiting yield ability or regrowth potential.


Sowing Rate: 6kg - 10kg/ha

Pack size - 10kg & 25kg

Seed Treatment - Untreated

Spitfire Forage Brassica

  • 1. Choose your Quantity of Packs

    2. Select the Rate based on how many Packs you're buying for the correlating price.

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