18% Black Knapweed
15% Selfheal (N)
1% Birdsfoot Trefoil (N)
10% Ribwort Plantain (N)
10% Yellow Rattle (N)
10% Oxeye Daisy (N)
10% Red Campion (N)
10% White Campion (N)
10% Yellow Rattle (N)
4.5% Salad Burnet (N)
4% Sorrel (N)
4% Wild Carrot (N)
1% Black Medick (N)
2.5% Lady's Bedstraw (N)
Pack Size 1kg
Species-Rich Wild Flowers (SRWF)* Native
1. Choose your Quantity of Packs
2. Select the Rate based on how many Packs you're buying for the correlating price.