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The above mixture is ideally suited for road verges where the soil may not be of the best quality and where quick establishment, short growth, and some salt and exhaust fume tolerance are called for. 4turf® perennial ryegrass ensures fast establishment, improved drought tolerance and nitrogen efficiency. Improved stability thanks to the deeper rooted growth habit, 4turf® perennial ryegrass provides the perfect nurse crop. The inclusion of Samanta slender creeping red fescue increases the mixture’s tolerance to salinity.


25% Double 4turf tetraploid perennial ryegrass

40% Maxima strong creeping red fescue

15% Smirna slender creeping red fescue

15% Dumas hard fescue

2.5% Highland browntop bent

2.5% Galway small white clover


Sowing rate: 10-20g/m2

Overseeding: 10g/m2

Mowing height: as necessary or twice/ year to 75-100mm



PM85 - Road Verge

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    2. Select the Rate based on how many Packs you're buying for the correlating price.

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