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50% DOUBLE tetraploid perennial rye, 35% SERGEI strong creeping red fescue, 10% CALLIOPE chewings fescue, 5% microclover


Sowing rate: 25g/m2

Overseeding: 25g/m2

Mowing height: 13-25mm


Ecosward mixtures have been developed to reduce input costs and be kind to the environment by eliminating the need for excessive fertiliser, water and herbicide. Adding Microclover to the mixture naturally fixes nitrogen for the grasses while significantly increasing drought tolerance and disease resistance. Produces a visually attractive, dark green, hard wearing turf. Especially suitable for reinforced paving systems. High carbon capture mixture.

PM27 - Ecosward Plus

  • 1. Choose your Quantity of Packs

    2. Select the Rate based on how many Packs you're buying for the correlating price.

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