Later maturing than stubble turnips and with higher dry matter, higher yields and better winter hardiness. They have a growing period of 12 – 15 weeks and provide excellent autumn and early winter feed for sheep and cattle.
Green Globe turnips produce soft, easily eaten roots that are well anchored into the ground, suitable for grazing by all types of stock. They will provide a very high fresh yield from large bulbs and are utilised between October and January, preferably strip grazed to reduce waste.
GREEN GLOBE 100% = Tonnes/ha
Total Dry Matter Yield (%) (5.7t/ha) 100
Total Fresh Yield (%) (70.6 t/ha ) 100
Matter (%) 8.2
Powdery Mildew Resistance (9 = Best) 4 Shape (9 = Best) 6
Sowing rate Drill 2.5 - 3.5kg/ha
Broadcast 5kg/ha Pack size 5kg
Treatment Untreated
Sow Late May to July
Green Globe
1. Choose your Quantity of Packs
2. Select the Rate based on how many Packs you're buying for the correlating price.